(OCHA) – I am appalled by the ongoing attacks on hospitals and other medical facilities in northwestern Syria, depriving hundreds of thousands of people of their basic right to health. On the morning of 29 January, the Owdai Hospital in Saraqab City in Idleb Governorate was damaged by two airstrikes, which destroyed part of the hospital […]

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(The Globe and Mail) – The nature of warfare may be changing, but the rules that govern it must not. As armies, militias and rebel groups worldwide abandon their expensive, big battalion-based tactics of the past, in favour of smaller, cheaper and more technologically savvy tactics of today, it’s more important than ever to safeguard the […]

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(Colombia Reports) – Western Colombia looks again to be plunged into the horrors of war as local indigenous leaders denounce a bombing that took place on Tuesday morning leaving two communities stranded. One minor is confirmed to have been injured with unverified reports suggesting that there have been fatalities in the Choco province, which has been ravaged […]

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(APO) – After seven years of conflict, the humanitarian situation in Libya continues to deteriorate with 378,000 children in need of life-saving assistance and protection throughout 2018. “2018 is a pivotal year for Libya, especially for children,” said Abdel-Rahman Ghandour, UNICEF Special Representative to Libya. “This is why at UNICEF, we are appealing for $US 20 million […]

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(UN Meetings Coverage and Press Releases) – The Security Council extended its sanctions regime against the Central African Republic today, consisting of an arms embargo, travel ban and asset freeze on listed individuals and entities, until 31 January 2019, and the mandate of the Panel of Experts facilitating those measures until 28 February 2019. Unanimously adopting resolution 2399 (2018) under Chapter VII of […]

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(UNICEF) – UNICEF appealed today for $3.6 billion to provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance to 48 million children living through conflict, natural disasters and other emergencies in 51 countries in 2018.  Around the world, violent conflict is driving humanitarian needs to critical levels, with children especially vulnerable. Conflicts that have endured for years – such as those […]

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(MSF) – At around 10:20 am on 29 January, Owdai hospital (also known as Al Ihsan hospital) in Saraqab City in Idlib Governorate was damaged by two airstrikes, which destroyed part of the hospital building according to the hospital manager, who contacted Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Other medical staff said a first strike hit the hospital […]

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