In June, the UN Security Council will hold its open debate on children and armed conflict (CAAC), under Estonia’s presidency. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for [...]
May 12, 2021 – In this open letter, Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict joined 17 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in calling on UN Secretary-General António Guterres to publish a [...]
May 2021 – In a joint statement, Watchlist and 25 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) call for the comprehensive protection of civilians from conflict, during conflict, and in the [...]
Watchlist's May 2021 Monthly Children and Armed Conflict Update highlights children and armed conflict concerns and provides recommendations to the Security Council for the protection of children [...]
April 2021 – In its fifth annual policy note, Watchlist makes recommendations to the UN Secretary-General regarding the list of perpetrators of grave violations against children in his [...]
Watchlist's April 2021 Monthly Children and Armed Conflict Update highlights children and armed conflict concerns and provides recommendations to the Security Council for the protection of [...]
March 29, 2021 – In a new policy brief released today, Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict examines challenges facing children allegedly associated with the Islamic State of Iraq and [...]
March 2021 – In 2020 the UN reported the highest-ever number of verified grave violations against children, with more than 26,000 incidents verified in the previous year. Children continue [...]
March 2021 – The listing and delisting of state armed forces and armed groups that commit grave violations against children in the UN Secretary-General’s annual reports is a critical [...]