(Fortify Rights) – Myanmar authorities should immediately release a detained 14-year-old ethnic Ta’ang boy and urgently investigate allegations that military officials tortured him in detention, Fortify Rights said today. The Shan State Namhsan Township Court on October 30 sentenced Mai Cho Min Htwe to two years in prison for unlawful association with an ethnic armed group. […]

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(AP) – The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a statement Monday strongly condemning the violence that has caused more than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee from Myanmar to Bangladesh, a significant step that still fell short of a stronger resolution that Western nations wanted but China opposed. The presidential statement calls on Myanmar’s government “to ensure […]

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(The National Interest) – In February, President Donald Trump identified human trafficking as a key issue of concern for U.S. domestic and foreign policies, and stated that his administration would make it a priority to stop the epidemic. Yet on September 30, President Trump waived nearly all sanctions that would prevent certain countries that use child […]

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(UNICEF) – Since August 25, Bangladesh has seen an unprecedented arrival of Rohingya refugees fleeing targeted violence and serious human rights abuses in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. To date, more than 609,000 people have crossed the border, at a speed the world has not witnessed in decades. Coupled with the pre-existing refugee population there are now more […]

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(UNICEF) – Preliminary data from a nutrition assessment conducted last week at Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, shows a 7.5 per cent prevalence of life-threatening severe acute malnutrition – a rate double that seen among Rohingya child refugees in May 2017, UNICEF said today. “The Rohingya children in the camp – who have survived […]

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(HRW) – The United Nations Security Council should refer Burma to the International Criminal Court (ICC) because of Burma’s failure to investigate mass atrocities against ethnic Rohingya, Human Rights Watch said today in releasing a new question-and-answer document. UN member countries should also pursue processes for gathering criminal evidence to advance prosecutions in the ICC and […]

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(IRIN) – A 10-year-old Rohingya, Mohammed has been working non-stop for the past two weeks, helping his struggling family earn a living in the world’s fastest growing refugee camp. Leaving their former lives in Myanmar’s Rakhine State to set up homes in the teeming camps of southern Bangladesh cost the family hundreds of dollars – money that […]

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(United Nations Meetings Coverage and Press Releases) – The Security Council today reiterated its strong condemnation of the recruitment and use of children by parties to armed conflict, as well as their killing and maiming, rape and other forms of sexual violence. Issuing presidential statement S/PRST/2017/21 at its debate on children and armed conflict, the Council […]

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