(Forbes) – On December 18, 2013, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution designating July 30 as the World Day Against Human Trafficking. The resolution recognised that ‘despite sustained measures taken at the international, regional and national levels, trafficking in persons remains one of the grave challenges facing the international community, which also impairs the enjoyment of human rights […]

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(Al Monitor) – Majdal, a 14-year-old Yazidi teenager wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers, looks like an ordinary boy but does not feel like one anymore. His childhood was destroyed when the Islamic State (IS) invaded his hometown Kocho in August 2014. Like other Yazidis, Majdal was separated from his mother and siblings. He was brought to a military camp in Raqqa. […]

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(Reuters) – As people return home to Mosul and other areas of northern Iraq freed from Islamic State, homemade bombs and explosives laid on an industrial scale by the insurgents are claiming hundreds of victims and hampering efforts to bring life back to normal. Houses, schools, mosques and streets are all booby-trapped, a big problem in […]

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(The New York Times) – The 9-year-old boy didn’t like school. He didn’t like the other children, because he knew what they really were: evil unbelievers who deserved to die. So he did what he was trained to do — he attacked them. He was removed from the building on his first day back. Link

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(Al Jazeera) – Salem Khalaf, a 63-year-old tractor driver, vividly recalls the day in August 2014 when ISIL fighters attacked the Sinjar region. Upon hearing that the group was drawing near and that security forces had fled, Khalaf and other Yazidi men sent their families away, while they remained in place, taking up small arms to defend their homes. Link

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(Independent) –  Chilling footage has emerged of an Isis suicide bomber cradling a baby in her arms seconds before she blows herself and the child up. Initially it appeared the woman was fleeing the Iraqi city of Mosul, which has now fallen from Isis control, with her child. But the video shows the woman is clutching a trigger which she detonates seconds […]

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