(CAJ News) – Nurses and new mothers are fleeing hospitals in conflict-prone zones in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in fear of rape by armed groups. Some of these vicious groups are led by former national army officers. The move by women follows the rape of a lactating woman who had fled possible attacks in her home, fearing […]

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(Reuters) – The United Nations named three human rights experts on Wednesday to lead an international investigation into killings and other crimes in the Kasai region of Democratic Republic of Congo, a move that could set up a showdown with the government. Congo insists that its own justice system is in charge of the inquiry with […]

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(AP) – Congo military “elements” are responsible for digging at least 42 mass graves in three Kasai provinces after clashes with alleged militia members in recent months, the United Nations said as experts were appointed Wednesday to look into a growing crisis that has killed hundreds and displaced more than a million people. Human rights have […]

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(UNHCR) – Twenty-five-year-old Bernard* is a strong and healthy father of three. He does not seem like the type to be easily thrown off course by life. But right now, he is at a complete loss. “The children keep asking me, daddy, where is mama? They think of her a lot and cry,” he says. […]

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(DW) – More than 500 boys and girls have been recruited as child soldiers, according to the World Vision international child aid organization. Hundreds of cases of sexual abuse have been reported. More then 55,000 internally displaced persons have reached Tshikapa, the biggest city in the Kasai region. DW spoke to World Vision spokesman Ekkehard Forberg about the volatile situation. […]

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(UNICEF DRC) –  The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP), in partnership with the non-governmental organisations Mercy Corps, Diakonie and PAP RDC, completed a cash transfer operation that addresses the priority needs of 92,000 vulnerable persons affected by the armed conflicts in the Lubero and Rutshuru territories in Eastern DRC. Link

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