(HRW) – Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has recruited Afghan immigrant children living in Iran to fight in Syria, Human Rights Watch said today. Afghan children as young as 14 have fought in the Fatemiyoun division, an exclusively Afghan armed group supported by Iran that fights alongside government forces in the Syrian conflict. Under international law, recruiting children under the age of […]

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(AFP) – He trekked to Bangladesh as part of an exodus of a half million people from Myanmar, the largest refugee crisis to hit Asia in decades. But after climbing out of a boat on a creek on Friday, Mohamed Rafiq could go no further. He collapsed onto a muddy spit of land cradling his […]

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(ReliefWeb) – The right to safety and education should be guaranteed to all children during the armed conflict, therefore, the Ministry of Education and Science supports the initiative of joining the Safe School Declaration. This statement was made by Liliya Hrynevych, Minister of Education and Science, during round table “The Safe Schools Declaration: how to protect […]

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(The Guardian) – The UN has agreed to set up an independent investigation into all alleged abuses of human rights in Yemen by all sides in the three-year civil war. The decision by the UN human rights council is a setback for Saudi Arabia, although the kingdom – a key participant in the conflict – has fended off a […]

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(South China Morning Post) – Perhaps the most chilling images from the siege of Marawi, on the Philippine island of Mindanao, is of propaganda by the Maute group featuring children with guns. Child soldiering is not a new phenomenon in the Philippines. Like those previously recruited into the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), these child soldiers have affinities for […]

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(Reuters) – The United Nations condemned air raids on five hospitals and two humanitarian warehouses in Idlib, Syria, this week and called for setting up a system so warring sides would protect civilians and medical facilities near “terrorist” groups. Jan Egeland, U.N. humanitarian adviser on Syria, said it was not clear who had carried out the […]

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(Reuters) – More than half the schools in the state at the epicentre of Nigeria’s conflict with Islamist militant group Boko Haram are still closed, the United Nations’ children agency said on Friday, as the insurgency drags into its ninth year. The lack of schools could continue to fuel Boko Haram or similar movements in the […]

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(MSF) – An escalation in the bombing of medical facilities since September 19 has forced the closure and evacuation of hospitals throughout northwestern Syria, leaving people trapped in a war zone without access to health care, said the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in a statement today. On September 26, the MSF-supported Hama […]

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(OHCHR) – The Human Rights Council this morning concluded its interactive dialogue with Marie-Therese Keita-Bocoum, Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic. In the discussion, several delegations voiced concern about the alarming increase in violence in the Central African Republic, which included targeted attacks against civilians, and humanitarian facilities.  Many attacks […]

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