(Government of Norway) – Currently, 37 million children and youth do not have access to education because of crises and conflicts. Norway gives high priority to the protection of children’s education in conflict areas. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to education. By adopting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the […]

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(UN News Centre) – The speed and scale of people fleeing Myanmar has triggered a humanitarian emergency in Bangladesh, where hundreds of thousands of refugees now depend on humanitarian assistance for shelter, food, water and other life-saving needs, says the United Nations migration agency. “The seriousness of the situation cannot be over-emphasized,” said International Organization […]

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(UN News Centre) – Until fighting stops and development takes root, communities and entire regions will continue to face hunger, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday, underscoring the link between conflict and famine. “Conflict in one country creates demands on its neighbours to provide food and basic services to refugees. […]

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(The New York Times) – Hundreds of women stood in the river, held at gunpoint, ordered not to move. A pack of soldiers stepped toward a petite young woman with light brown eyes and delicate cheekbones. Her name was Rajuma, and she was standing chest-high in the water, clutching her baby son, while her village in […]

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(AP) – Intensified fighting in Syria in recent weeks has damaged more hospitals, with at least 10 medical facilities hit over the past 10 days and hundreds of thousands of people cut off from health care, the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday. The escalation in fighting has also forced hundreds of schools across the […]

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(AP) – Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday it’s unacceptable and appalling that more than 8,000 children were killed and injured in conflicts last year from Syria and Yemen to Congo and Afghanistan and urged combatants to do more to protect boys and girls. The U.N. chief said in his annual report on Children and Armed Conflict, […]

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(HRW) – Armed groups in the Central African Republic have used rape and sexual slavery as a tactic of war across the country during nearly five years of conflict, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Commanders have tolerated widespread sexual violence by their forces and, in some cases, appear to have ordered it or committed […]

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(HRW) – The United Nations is finally calling out the Saudi Arabia-led coalition for horrific attacks that have killed hundreds of Yemeni children. After months of controversy, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has placed the coalition on his annual “list of shame” for violations against children. For more than two years, child casualties and other abuses against […]

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