(Just Security) – Recent years have seen an escalation in impact of war on children – from the sexual enslavement to the deliberate bombing of their schools – subjecting a generation of children to targeted violence and indiscriminate attacks. Crimes against children which should send shock waves around the world are coming to be accepted as […]

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(Reuters) – Cameroon has arrested four soldiers suspected of shooting dead two women and two children in the country’s far north where its army is battling jihadist group Boko Haram, two security sources told Reuters. A video of the incident, which has been shared tens of thousands of times on Twitter since it emerged last week, has […]

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(Physicians for Human Rights) – On August 27, 2017, Myanmar security forces and Rakhine Buddhist civilians attacked the village of Chut Pyin in northern Rakhine state, massacring its Rohingya Muslim residents and burning their homes to the ground. The attackers perpetrated a vast array of human rights violations on the Rohingya villagers, including killings, disappearances, beatings, […]

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(Policits.co.uk) – The teacher sat with the handbag clenched in her fingers, ready in case she needed to leave suddenly. Her eyes seemed to dart from window to door, checking her exits. At first, she wasn’t even willing to tell me her name, and, for her protection, I won’t repeat it here. She is a […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – Government security forces and armed separatists have committed grave abuses against residents of Cameroon’s Anglophone region, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The region has been rocked by protests and violent clashes rooted in long-standing political grievances by the country’s Anglophone minority. Based on research in the region, satellite imagery […]

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(Al Jazeera) – An investigation conducted by Israeli human rightsorganisation B’Tselem has concluded that Israeli security forces deliberately shot and killed Palestinian paramedics Razan al-Najjar, contradicting the Israeli army’s claims that it was an accident. On June 1, the 20-year-old al-Najjar was shot in the chest with the single bullet, exiting through her back, while she was trying to help wounded demonstrators […]

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(Colombia Reports) -Colombia’s demobilized FARC rebels recruited more than 5,000 minors during its 52-year war with the state, according to the prosecution. The country’s war crimes tribunal received a report from the Prosecutor General’s Office in which it said to have evidence of the recruitment of 5,252 children and minors. Less than 20% of the minors that […]

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(Norwegian Refugee Council) – As fighting has continued near Hodeidah, the site of Yemen’s most important port, over 35,000 families have been displaced from the governate since 1 June, according to the UN. Still, most people remain unwilling or unable to leave behind their homes and everything they own. “People in Hodeidah are still living in […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Israel has further tightened its blockade on the Gaza Strip, preventing gas and fuel deliveries through its only commercial crossing with the Palestinian besieged enclave a week after Israeli authorities announced the closure of the crossing. The Kerem Shalom crossing, known to Palestinians as Karem Abu Salem, was shut down on July 9 and initially, only […]

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