(UNMISS) – The killing of “innocent civilians” in the Jonglei region of South Sudan has been condemned as “horrific” by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the country, David Shearer. Reports suggest that around 45 people were killed and 19 injured when members of the Murle ethnic group attacked a Dinka village on Tuesday. […]

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(IRC) – As part of the What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls consortium, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University (GWI) and CARE International UK sought to obtain rigorous data on the prevalence, forms, and drivers of VAWG in South Sudan. The study used quantitative and […]

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(NRC) – The closure of Yemen’s border has effectively held 27 million Yemenis ransom. Although food is now trickling in, thousands will die if supplies are not allowed in and moved quickly – and safely – to people in need. Together with eight other organisations that carry out humanitarian assistance in Yemen, NRC sent the following […]

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(All Africa) – Fifteen-year-old “Sophie” was a student in the Central African Republic when the Seleka, the armed group of mostly Muslim fighters that had ousted the previous government, threatened to kill the students and teachers at her school. The school shut down. When Sophie, whose name we changed for her protection, spoke with Human Rights […]

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(Government Offices of Sweden) – Upon the invitation of the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict visited Sudan from 26 to 29 November 2017. The delegation was led by the Chair of the Working Group, H.E. Olof Skoog Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United […]

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(UNOCHA) – As delivered. Mr. President, Last week we released the United Nations 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview for Syria. It lays out the continued plight of the Syrian people after almost seven years of conflict. 13.1 million people urgently need humanitarian assistance and protection. Of them, some 5.6 million people are in acute need. Syria remains the world’s […]

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(Kilden Gender Research News) – A Google search for ‘child soldier’ generates results with hundreds of photographs of primarily African boys carrying machine guns. There are not as many pictures of girl soldiers, despite the fact that they make up approximately thirty-five per cent of the child soldiers in several African armed forces over the past […]

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(International Justice Monitor) – A witness told the International Criminal Court (ICC) that Dominic Ongwen, who is on trial at the court, made her a “wife” of a commander when she was about 13 years old, and she feared she would be killed if she refused. Witness P-351 told the court on November 14 Ongwen made […]

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(ITV News) – More than two and half years of war have left Yemen on its knees – its infrastructure ripped apart, creating the perfect breeding ground for disease and hunger. The United Nations says Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. For Ahmed every breath is an ordeal. He’s suffering from diphtheria – the country’s […]

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