(Theirworld) – December 3 marks 100 days since the Rohingya refugee crisis started. State violence resulted in more than 600,000 people fleeing Myanmar for Bangladesh, where they face an uncertain future in refugee camps. Around 60% of those fleeing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar have been children, with international organisations asking for urgent help to get them into […]

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(Theirnews) – Education in Pakistan has come under attack again – with several students reported killed when Taliban gunmen stormed a college campus today. At least nine people are believed to have died and dozens more were wounded during the assault in the northern city of Peshawar – scene of the school attack in 2014 that […]

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(HRW) – “How old are you?” the interviewer asks. “Thirteen,” replies the boy, in uniform. “Thirteen years – thirteen years old!” the interviewer repeats, proudly, as the camera pans upward to the grinning, bearded faces of uniformed men, apparently Iranian soldiers, who pat their young recruit on the back. On November 25, a video with the logo of […]

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(The Guardian) – Young Rohingya girls who have fled Myanmar are being forced to marry when they reach Bangladesh simply to secure more food for themselves and their families. With UN World Food Programme rations allocated by household, families are marrying off girls as young as 12 to reduce the number of mouths to feed and create new […]

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(BBC) – The UN’s humanitarian co-ordinator for Syria says 500 people with urgent medical needs must be evacuated from a besieged rebel-held area near Damascus. Jan Egeland said there had been nine deaths so far among those waiting for permission to leave the Eastern Ghouta. Dozens of civilians are also reported to have been killed in […]

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(IOM) – Metal towers of lights reached out of the sea and flames belched into the midnight sky as the Aquarius reached Bouri Field, the largest oilfield in the Mediterranean, about 65 nautical miles north of Libya. I had been sitting cross-legged on deck of this rescue ship, listening to a group of West African […]

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(Amnesty International) – Children abducted. Villages looted and razed to the ground. Boko Haram has been unleashing havoc in Cameroon’s Far North region. In the face of rampant violence and atrocities, the Cameroonian government has rightfully responded, but with a ferocity that has shattered the lives of ordinary people. Link

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(Terre des Hommes) – The European Union must cease using development money to send children back into horrific conditions in Libya, said Terre des Hommes as the African Union – European Union Summit begins today (29 November 2017). Children on boats intercepted by Libyan coastguards are being transported back to squalid detention centres, where they are […]

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