The Law of Ukraine “On State Registration of Civil Status” remains in effect and continues to operate even under martial law, ensuring the rights of children to birth registration and the establishment of their origin.
The main provisions of Article 13 stipulate that the registration of a child’s birth should be conducted simultaneously with the determination of the child’s origin and the assignment of a surname, first name, and patronymic. Applications for registration can be submitted by one or both parents, either in written or oral form, at the place of birth or residence, and may also be submitted electronically. In the absence of the parents, registration can be carried out by relatives or representatives of the relevant healthcare facility. The procedure must be completed no later than one month from the date of the child’s birth, or within three days in cases of stillbirth. Registration is based on documents from medical institutions or court decisions confirming the birth. For children born stillborn or who died within the first seven days of life, certificates are issued, and for children left without parental care, registration is initiated by guardianship authorities.