Decree amending and supplementing the Decree on Basic Principles on Protection and Reparation for Victims of Sexual Violence in War and Crimes against Peace and Security (Décret n° 23/20 du 09 juin 2023 modifiant et complétant le Décret n° 22/38 du 06 décembre 2022 fixant les statuts d’un Etablissement public dénommé Fonds National des Réparations des Victimes de Violences Sexuelles liées aux Conflits et d’autres Crimes contre la Paix et la Sécurité de l’Humanité, FONAREV en sigle)


Congo, Democratic Republic of the






This decree—adopted by the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on June 9, 2023—modifies and supplements a previous decree adopted by the Prime Minister (that being Decree n° 22/38, adopted by the Prime Minister on December 6, 2022. The decree relates to the establishment of the National Victims’ Reparations Fund, or Fonds National de Réparation des Victimes (FONAREV), a body responsible for implementing the Decree on Basic Principles for the Protection and Reparation of Victims of Sexual Violence in Times of War and Crimes against Peace and Security. FONAREV’s mission is to provide victims with adequate reparations, support transitional justice initiatives, and raise funds for victims of sexual violence in times of armed conflict.