Brooke Blanchard

Brooke Blanchard is Watchlist’s  Program Manager. She supports all areas of Watchlist’s work including advocacy initiatives, fundraising and grant management and the development of country [...]

Layal Sarrouh

Layal Sarrouh is Watchlist’s Research and Reports Officer. She is responsible for all aspects of preparing the Watchlist’s Field Monitors. Layal has a broad range of experience in child [...]

Lisa Sherman-Nikolaus

Lisa Sherman-Nikolaus is Watchlist’s Advocacy Officer. She is responsible for advancing Watchlist’s priorities with the United Nations, in particular the Security Council. Prior to [...]

Joyce Mulcahy

Joyce Mulcahy is Watchlist’s Development Officer. She is responsible for cultivating and expanding upon funding from private foundations and governmental grants, as well as seeking new [...]

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