(MSF) – A hospital in northern Syria that receives support from the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was bombed on March 25, killing two people and causing severe respiratory symptoms among patients and staff, MSF said today, denouncing the attack. At about 6:00 p.m. local time, Latamneh hospital in northern Hama […]

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(Physicians for Human Rights) – Syrian government officials and opposition forces reached a deal this week to evacuate residents from four besieged towns: Foah and Kafraya, encircled by opposition fighters, and Madaya and Zabadani, surrounded by Syrian government forces and their allies. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has long documented the devastating health effects of sieges […]

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(Reuters) – Five children were among 11 Syrians killed after their plastic boat sank off Turkey’s Aegean coast on Friday, the Dogan news agency said, the first such reported incident in months on an illegal migrant route meant to have been all but shut down. Television footage showed rescue workers standing next to bodies washed […]

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(UN News Centre) – Those participating the intra-Syrian peace talks in Geneva must put the rights of children at the centre of all their deliberations as children throughout the Middle Eastern country continue to come under attack, a senior United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) official has said. “Those meeting in Geneva this week should put the […]

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(AP) – Doctors who risked their lives working in Syrian hospitals described horrific conditions in the war-torn country and pleaded with U.S. lawmakers to protect and save millions of people from an escalating humanitarian crisis. They testified Wednesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the sixth anniversary of Syria’s bitter civil war, which has killed more […]

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(Save the Children) – The degrading conditions on the Greek islands as a result of the European Union’s agreement with Turkey one year ago have led to an alarming rise in self-harm, increased aggression, anxiety and depression among child refugees and migrants, a new report by Save the Children has revealed. A Tide of Self-Harm and Depression details the […]

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(The Washington Post) – SIX YEARS after the people of Syria rose up against the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad, reports of the carnage there can be numbing, from the attacks on hospitals with shrapnel-filled “barrel bombs” to the starvation sieges imposed on hundreds of thousands of civilians. But a report issued this week by the United Nations offers fresh perspective. […]

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(IRIN) – By the time Ilida Alali was 16, she had been a prisoner in her own home for four years. Both government and rebel ordnance fell without warning on the hotly contested Karm al-Myassar neighbourhood near Aleppo’s airport where she and her family lived. In any case, she had nowhere to go. Opposition groups had […]

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