(Center for Civilians in Conflict) – “From Mandate to Mission” reviews the practices and policies that the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) has in place to reduce harm to civilians in its operations. The report recommends ways for MONUSCO, the United Nations Headquarters, and the Congolese government to improve […]

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(NewsDeeply) – Throughout the decades-long conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), children have been abducted and made to serve as soldiers. While most are male, it is estimated over a third are female, used mainly as domestic and sexual servants, but sometimes as fighters. Now the London-based NGO Child Soldiers International (CSI) has […]

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(OSRSG-CAAC) – Interview with Dee Brillenburg-Wurth, the head of child protection at MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Can you describe your work? I’m in charge of a team of about 30 child protection officers who monitor and report on child rights violations on a daily basis. The information they gather is analyzed and integrated […]

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(The Guardian) – The mothers of Kavumu hardly sleep. But on rainy nights, they don’t even try. The rain pounds on their tin roofs so noisily that they worry they won’t hear rapists breaking in to steal their daughters. So they sit up all night, just watching their front doors. Since 2013, 49 young children, one […]

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(US State Department) – In Tshopo province in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a peaceful game of soccer can be potentially life-threatening despite the seemingly picturesque surroundings.  “If we played ball and it landed far away from the playing field, we would simply leave it because we knew that we could get injured or […]

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(AP) – More than 4 million children have lost at least one parent in Congo over the past two decades, the silent victims of continuous cycles of violence. And more than 26 million orphans live in West and Central Africa, where Congo is located — the second highest number in the world behind South Asia, according […]

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