(NRC) – The conflict in Syria has left many children and youth without an education. Most of them are too young to remember a life without war. Inside the country, 1.75 million children are currently out of school – and for those fortunate enough to be in the classroom, the risk of dropping out is […]

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(Al Jazeera) – Mohammed, 14, was with his friends riding horses in a park in Jerusalem’s Old City when the Yassam, a special patrol unit of the Israeli police, arrived at the scene. Sound grenades were fired at the teenagers. One landed near Mohammed’s feet. He picked up a rock and threw it in the direction of […]

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(Middle East Eye) – Saeed is on holiday, staying at his parent’s house. It’s in al-Maafer district, one of Yemen’s poorer areas, and reflects the life of the village. The first floor houses the family while the ground floor shelters cattle, on which many residents depend for their income. There is also the mango crop but it […]

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(Reuters) – Almost half of the 1.5 million people displaced by an insurrection in central Democratic Republic of Congo since last year have returned home as violence has waned in recent months, the United Nations said on Monday. Fighting in central Congo’s Kasai region between government forces and militia fighters demanding their withdrawal from the […]

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