(Child Soldiers International) – Children were used to fight in at least 18 conflicts since 2016 – including as ‘human bombs’ – despite a global ban on the use of children in war, a database showed on Wednesday. Child soldiers were used in Syria, Libya, Nigeria and Colombia – all of which have ratified a United […]

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(UNHCR) – In the shade of a teak tree, teenager Kenyi John sits on a mat with his four siblings and raises his arm. He throws a dice on to a colourful board and the children laugh and cheer. He has scored a six and their board game can start. Kenyi, 17, and his younger brothers […]

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(UOSSM) – Less than 24 hours after the UN Security Council Resolution 2401 passed for a 30 day emergency cessation of hostilities in Syria, two medical facilities were attacked, at least 20 civilians were killed; and over 70 others were wounded. The two medical facilities in Eastern Ghouta were hit by airstrikes, heavily damaged and put out […]

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(Save the Children) – Wild elephants and snakes, violent men lurking in the forest and human traffickers on the prowl during the night. These are among the most pressing fears identified by Rohingya children who fled fighting in Myanmar to Bangladesh, according to a new report launched today by Save the Children, World Vision and Plan International to […]

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(OSRSG-CAAC) – The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, calls for the unconditional release of all the girls abducted during the attack on the Bursari Government Girls Science Secondary School, in northeast Nigeria. On Monday, February 19, an armed group attacked the school located in Dapchi, Yobe State and over […]

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(WHO) – WHO and health partners urgently require US$ 11.2 million to fill priority health needs for 1.27 million people in Gaza for three months. Of this amount, WHO requires US$2.4 million. If funding is not urgently secured, 1,715 patients will immediately face a life threatening situation, including: 113 newborns, 100 patients in intensive care units, […]

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(MSF) – Mass-casualty influxes, with hundreds of dead and wounded, have been reported to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) by medical facilities MSF supports in the besieged, opposition-controlled East Ghouta enclave near Damascus, Syria. This comes amid an extraordinary increase in bombing and shelling over the area, with 13 hospitals and clinics that are regularly or ad-hoc supported by […]

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(MSF) – Since 25 August 2017, nearly 700,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh. They join tens of thousands of others who were fled there after previous periods of tension and violence in neighbouring Rakhine state, Myanmar. The thing I find most striking about this situation is its magnitude – the sheer number of people who have […]

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