While all six grave violations merit equal attention, Watchlist notes that an incremental expansion of the trigger violations will provide time to assess the abilities of the Children and Armed [...]
The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Optional Protocols of 1977 (the main treaties of International Humanitarian Law – IHL) set a range of minimum standards for the conduct of [...]
UN Security Council Resolutions (SCR) set the legal basis and overall policy guidance for the UN and its member States. Since 1999, the UN Security Council has adopted seven Resolutions on [...]
On April 23, the UN Secretary-General submitted his 10th annual report on children and armed conflict to the UN Security Council. Among other recommendations, the Secretary-General called on the [...]
Joint letter from Watchlist and other NGOs to UN Ambassadors urging the UN Security Council to strengthen the effective protection of civilians (2003). Download PDF
[inner-section] Watchlist Policy Report, 2003 United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1261, 1314, and 1379 on Children and Armed Conflict (CAC) provide a strong mandate for international [...]
[inner-section] Watchlist Policy Report, 2004 This paper is a call to action urging the UN Security Council members, the UN system, regional bodies, civil society, and national governments to [...]