(AP) – Doctors Without Borders is warning of a worsening situation in the Yemeni city of Taiz, where hospitals have been repeatedly attacked and where some 200,000 people are facing shortages of food, water and medicine. Djoen Besselink, the head of the aid group’s Yemen mission, told reporters in Jordan on Monday that attacks on hospitals, ambulances […]

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(The Local) – A report by the German Alliance for Child Soldiers and other non-profits on Thursday shows that child soldiers in multiple countries often end up using German-made arms. Michael Davies from Sierra Leone was once a child soldier fighting in the civil war-torn west African country. His weapons of choice: German. “When I had […]

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(WHO) – Essentially the health system in Yemen is extremely challenged and highly dependent on international support. Currently, more than 14.8 million people lack access to basic health care. Less than 45% of health facilities are still functioning. 17% are completely non-functional. At least 274 of those facilities have been damaged or destroyed during the current […]

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(UNICEF) – “The needs of refugees have never been greater. Worldwide 28 million children have been uprooted by conflict, driven from their homes by violence and terror. They need our help. UNICEF is committed to continuing our work with governments and other partners around the world to help some of the most vulnerable children everywhere, […]

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(Al Jazeera) – At least 10 Yemeni women and children have been killed in the first US military operation in the country authorised by President Donald Trump, medics and local media have said. The US military said it killed 14 members of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Sunday’s dawn raid in the southern province […]

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(Reuters) – A Saudi Arabia-led military coalition has carried out attacks in Yemen that “may amount to war crimes,” U.N. sanctions monitors reported to the world body’s Security Council, warning coalition allies including the United States, Britain and France that they are obligated to respect international humanitarian law. The annual report by the experts who monitor […]

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(BBC) – The Ministry of Defence is “tracking” 252 allegations of humanitarian law violations by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, the BBC has learned. The UN estimates that up to 10,000 people have died in the country since war began in March 2015. The MoD declined to say if British-supplied arms were involved in any of […]

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(The New York Times) – The Obama administration has deepened its rift with its Gulf allies over the ongoing conflict in Yemen, blocking a transfer of precision munitions to Saudi Arabia because of concerns about civilian casualties that administration officials attribute to poor targeting. Administration officials said on Tuesday that the White House had made the decision […]

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(UNICEF) – Nearly 2.2 million children in Yemen are acutely malnourished and require urgent care. At least 462,000 children suffer from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), a drastic increase of almost 200 per cent since 2014. An additional 1.7 million children suffer from Moderate Acute Malnutrition. The situation of severely malnourished children in Governorates such as Hodeida, Sa’ada, […]

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