(Foreign Policy) –  This southwestern Yemeni city has been battered for more than two years of urban battles. When I arrived there in March, the journey from the city’s outskirts to its center should have taken only 10 minutes; instead, it took us four hours, as we wound our way through mountainous roads and dozens […]

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(The Guardian) – Charities have urged the UN to name and shame the Saudi-led coalition over child rights violations in Yemen after research showed more than 120 children were killed or maimed in airstrikes by the alliance last year. A briefing by Save the Children and Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict said the coalition committed “grave violations against children” […]

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(New York Times) – The United Nations said on Tuesday that it was suspending plans for a cholera vaccination campaign in Yemen — reversing a decision made a month ago — because the disease’s rampant spread and the ravages of war there would make such an effort ineffective.  Jamie McGoldrick, the United Nations aid coordinator […]

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(Huffington Post) – A deadly cholera outbreak that has plagued Yemen since last year reached a grim milestone on Sunday as the number of suspected cases surpassed more than 300,000. More than 1,700 people in the war-torn country have died of cholera in the past months, the International Committee of the Red Cross announced on Monday, and 300,000 […]

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