(UN News Centre) – Until fighting stops and development takes root, communities and entire regions will continue to face hunger, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday, underscoring the link between conflict and famine. “Conflict in one country creates demands on its neighbours to provide food and basic services to refugees. […]

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(AP) – Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday it’s unacceptable and appalling that more than 8,000 children were killed and injured in conflicts last year from Syria and Yemen to Congo and Afghanistan and urged combatants to do more to protect boys and girls. The U.N. chief said in his annual report on Children and Armed Conflict, […]

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(HRW) – The United Nations is finally calling out the Saudi Arabia-led coalition for horrific attacks that have killed hundreds of Yemeni children. After months of controversy, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has placed the coalition on his annual “list of shame” for violations against children. For more than two years, child casualties and other abuses against […]

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(OSRSG-CAAC) – Boys and girls living in countries affected by armed conflict have been victims of widespread violations in 2016, as documented in the Secretary-General’s Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict released today and covering the period from January to December 2016. The alarming scale and severity of violations against children in 2016 – including […]

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(AFP) – An air strike killed at least seven people, including four children, on Wednesday in a rebel-held district of northern Yemen, the Houthi rebels and a medical source said. The Houthi-run news site Saba reported 12 dead in what the Shia rebels said was an air raid on Baqem district in the northern province of […]

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(HRW) – Bombing and shelling of civilians. Denial of access to food and medicine. Landmines and cluster bombs. Torture and abduction. Child soldiers. For more than two years, international, regional, and Yemeni human rights groups called on the United Nations to confront a mounting list of abuses. For more than two years, the response hewed closer to indifference – or at least learned silence in the face of […]

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(The Guardian) – The UN has agreed to set up an independent investigation into all alleged abuses of human rights in Yemen by all sides in the three-year civil war. The decision by the UN human rights council is a setback for Saudi Arabia, although the kingdom – a key participant in the conflict – has fended off a […]

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