(Al Jazeera) – The vast majority of Yemen’s cholera deaths have occurred in areas controlled by Houthi rebels, largely the result of a blockade and air raids by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition they are fighting, an Al Jazeera investigation reveals. An analysis of World Health Organization data shows that 1,794 of Yemen’s 2,003 cholera deaths – 90 percent – have occurred […]

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(The Washington Post) – By last December, the main hospital in the city of Hajjah in northern Yemen had already received 200 suspected cases of cholera. The patients were being treated at a month-old cholera center supported by the World Health Organization. Across the country, U.N. workers had recorded 122 confirmed cases by then, including 10 […]

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(The New York Times) – The Saudi-led coalition waging a bombing campaign in Yemen has once again been named in a United Nations draft report as the major culprit in the deaths and injuries of children in that war-ravaged Arab state. The Saudis are already said to be privately campaigning to change the report and keep […]

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(OCHA) – As I noted in my remarks to the Security Council on Friday, I have been deeply moved by the terrible, entirely avoidable human suffering in Yemen. As you know, millions of people in Yemen are facing a triple tragedy: the spectre of famine, the world’s largest ever single-year cholera outbreak, and the daily deprivation and […]

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(Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Late last year, a bunker buster bomb shot through an underground shelter in Syria’s Hama province. A group of aid workers were taking shelter inside at the time. Nine of them, all Syrian, were killed instantly. In February, six Red Cross workers were shot dead in an ambush in northern Afghanistan while travelling through […]

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