(ReliefWeb) – Mr President, This statement is made on behalf of Save the Children and 4 INGOs that provide humanitarian assistance and support to vulnerable children and families in Yemen. After eighteen months of conflict, ten million children are unable to access sufficient food, primary health care, education and other essential services. Over three million people have fled […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations, write to urge you to support the High Commissioner’s call for an international, independent  investigation into civilian deaths and injuries in Yemen, a call repeatedly made by national, regional and international civil society organizations. Over the course of the conflict, the council has missed critical opportunities to address alleged violations of international […]

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(The Guardian) – More than one-third of all Saudi-led air raids on Yemen have hit civilian sites, such as school buildings, hospitals, markets, mosques and economic infrastructure, according to the most comprehensive survey of the conflict. The findings, revealed by the Guardian on Friday, contrast with claims by the Saudi government, backed by its US and British […]

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(Medecins Sans Frontieres) – When I flew into the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, from Djibouti, the sides of the runway were littered with destroyed aircraft, large and small – this was clearly a country affected by war. On the seven-hour drive to Taiz, we passed old stone houses built into the sides of mountains with seemingly normal country […]

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(HRW) – As organizations working to protect the rights of children and health workers in armed conflict, we are shocked by your decision announced on June 6, 2016 to remove the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition from the “list of shame” annexed to your published 2016 annual report to the United Nations Security Council on children and armed conflict, […]

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