(The New York Times) – The 9-year-old boy didn’t like school. He didn’t like the other children, because he knew what they really were: evil unbelievers who deserved to die. So he did what he was trained to do — he attacked them. He was removed from the building on his first day back. Link

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(HRW) – Syrian-Russian airstrikes and artillery attacks on June 14, 2017, in a town in the southern Daraa governorate killed 10 civilians in and near a school, Human Rights Watch said today. Residents said they were not aware of any military targets in the vicinity of the attacks. One of the airstrikes hit the courtyard of […]

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(Voice of America) – They are known as the cubs of the caliphate, youngsters enlisted by the Islamic State, which views them as “the generation that will conquer Baghdad, Jerusalem, Mecca and Rome.” The West and the Middle East communities from which they have been recruited see them as a grim threat, the deadly legacy of […]

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(UN News Centre) – Some 9.2 million children living in emergency countries will miss out on schooling unless the international community contributes an additional $820 million, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned at the start of today’s G20 summit. “Without education, children grow up without the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to the […]

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(UN News Centre) – Citing attacks against aid workers in Syria, the removal of live-saving supplies from convoys and bureaucratic impediments restricting access, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator has called for ensuring immediate and safe humanitarian access to save lives that are dependent on assistance. Briefing the Security Council today, Stephen O’Brien, the Under-Secretary-General for […]

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(BBC) – At least 15 civilians have been killed and dozens injured in an air strike on a village in eastern Syria held by so-called Islamic State, activists say. The DeirEzzor24 website reported that an unidentified jet had dropped cluster bombs on Dablan, about 20km (13 miles) south-east of the town of Mayadin. The UK-based […]

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(Al Arabiya) – In its annual report on human trafficking, The United States said on Tuesday that the PKK’s Syrian branch the armed People’s Protection Units (YPG) continues to recruit children. The report stated that children, boys and girls, younger than 15-years-old are used as militants and sometimes forced to fight against the wishes of their […]

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(Anadolu Agency) – Children in Iraq and Syria are imperiled by a host of armed groups who actively seek, and often force, their recruitment, the State Department said Tuesday. The department’s annual report on human trafficking detailed accounts of vulnerable children forced on to the battlefield, sometimes by government-funded groups. Link

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