(UNMISS) – In Jonglei, 30 SPLA officers and 10 other participants from line state ministries and organized armed forces attended a two- day child protection workshop in Bor, raising their awareness about the rights of children. Delivering his closing remarks, the local SPLA Director of Operations, Brigadier General Abraham Machar Thiong, said the army is committed to […]

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(New York Times) – There’s probably no more heart-wrenching symbol of war than a child soldier. That little boy, standing on the side of the road and constantly shifting his heavy AK-47 from shoulder to shoulder, represents a society that has imploded. He is the offspring of state failure and intense conflict; the destruction of schools; […]

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(AP) – Six-year-old Santo proudly wears a Harvard T-shirt as if he has just been accepted into the elite institution, but its warped lettering, layers of dirt and gaping holes say more about the young refugee’s future. After fleeing South Sudan’s three-year civil war, Santo and his family have found themselves in the bleak Bidi Bidi […]

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