(UNICEF) – Around the world, conflict is exacting a devastating toll on millions of children. With increasing frequency, children are being deliberately and indiscriminately attacked and denied life-saving humanitarian assistance in breach of international humanitarian law. On World Humanitarian Day on 19 August, join the United Nations and its partners in standing together to demand that children […]

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(Equal Times) – Peter Taban is, paradoxically, privileged. The 14 year old lives with his mother and five younger siblings in a mud and straw tukul near the border with Uganda. Peter’s father was a soldier. He died in the war of independence. His mother, Teresa, spends her days gathering wood, wild fruits, going to the well for […]

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(HRW) – South Sudanese government and opposition leaders have failed to halt atrocity crimes, including killings, rape, and forced displacement, or to hold those responsible to account, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 52-page report, “‘Soldiers Assume We Are Rebels’: Escalating Violence and Abuses in South Sudan’s Equatorias,” documents the spreading violence and serious […]

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(AP) – She had no body to bury, so the grieving mother kneeled in the dirt outside her small hut, recited psalms and simply traced her finger over the uneven earth. It was December 2015, a year after Nyayan Koang’s boy was abducted by government soldiers at the age of just 14 to fight in South […]

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(AFP) – Thouk Reath, 19, was recovering from a leg amputation after being shot in fighting in northeastern South Sudan when the clinic he was in had to be evacuated because of approaching gunfire. Patients and doctors at the clinic in the town of Maiwut risked being caught up in an army offensive closing in on […]

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(AFP) – Her feet bare and her home town in flames, Nyadet walked east alone, eating food given to her by strangers and following trails left by others escaping war in South Sudan. She is 12 years old. Nine days after she fled bloodshed in the flashpoint town of Malakal last November, Nyadet reached the country’s […]

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