(HRW) – In March 2015, Boko Haram fighters fleeing security forces from Chad and Niger escaped with some women and hundreds of children abducted from Damasak in Borno State. At least 300 of them were students at the Zanna Mobarti Primary School. Boko Haram insurgents attacked Damasak in November 2014, took control of the town, and abducted […]

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(HRW) – In May 2014, students at the Sabongari Primary School in  Gwoza, in northeastern Nigeria, stopped going to school. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of members of the Islamist armed group Boko Haram had arrived in the middle of the night. They attacked the Gwoza government’s military base and then brought their weapons and ammunition into the […]

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(Security Council Report) – On Sunday, following its meetings in Niamey, Niger, the Council delegation flew to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, Nigeria. Among the highlights during their half-day in Maiduguri were a visit to an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp, and a meeting with the state governor, Kassim Shettima. Members’ first destination was […]

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(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark) – The Danish government is donating DKK 20 million towards Unicef’s efforts to help children and former child soldiers who have fled the terrorist movement Boko Haram in Nigeria and neighbouring countries. Boko Haram has forced 2.2 million people from their homes. The 20 million Danish Kroner donation to […]

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(Save the Children) – Children as old as 15 are flooding into pre-school facilities in a desperate effort to learn after more than seven years of conflict compounded the world’s worst education crisis in north-east Nigeria, says Save the Children. A staggering 1,200 schools have been damaged or destroyed whilst at least 611 teachers have been reported murdered […]

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(The Guardian) – Islamic State is paying the smugglers’ fees of child refugees in a desperate attempt to attract new recruits, according to a report highlighting the potential vulnerability of unaccompanied minors to radicalisation. The report, from counter-extremism thinktank Quilliam, also says that an estimated 88,300 unaccompanied children – identified by the EU statistics agency Eurostat as having gone […]

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(Council on Foreign Relations) – Ahead of an all-important international donor conference, on February 24, in Oslo, Norway to mobilize greater international involvement and increased funding for the humanitarian crisis in Nigeria and the Lake Chad region, Nigeria’s Defense Headquarters (DHQ) has warned the public of an alleged “new tactic” by Boko Haram. The movement is already […]

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(AFP) – A local vigilante and a young suicide bomber lost their lives in a foiled suicide bomb attack in Dalori Quarters in Maiduguri Borno state north-east Nigeria. The attack which occurred on Tuesday morning killed the suspected child suicide bomber and a male security guard who prevented the from gaining access into the mosque. It […]

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(BBC) – An attack in the town of Madagali on 13 January saw two women detonate their devices, killing themselves, two babies, and four others. They had passed a vigilante checkpoint, mistaken for civilians because they were carrying infants. Female attackers have been seen before, but officials said the use of babies could signal a “dangerous” […]

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(New York Times) – Starvation in northern Nigeria’s Borno State is so bad that a whole slice of the population — children under 5 — appears to have died, aid agencies say. As the Nigerian army has driven the terrorist group Boko Haram out of the area, about two million people have been displaced. Many are […]

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