(Save the Children) – Chilling experiences of Rohingya children who fled their homes in Myanmar have been laid bare in a powerful new report released by Save the Children today. “Horrors I Will Never Forget” paints a disturbing picture of the systematic violence, rape and forced evictions faced by many of the 600,000 Rohingya who […]

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(IFRC) – The cheers of children rise from a tiny mango grove where a badminton match is underway between two trees. Along with other “pop-up” play activities offered by members of the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and IFRC partners, the games are giving children psychosocial support in this patchwork landscape of bamboo shelters where more […]

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(CNN) – Discarded and left for dead, Mumtaz says she found herself on top of a mound of charred, entangled bodies. “They killed and killed and piled the bodies up high. It was like cut bamboo,” says Mumtaz, a Rohingya woman from the village of Tula Toli in western Myanmar. Link

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(Reuters) –  A senior United Nations official said on Sunday she would raise the issue of persecution of Myanmar’s Rohingya minority, especially sexual violence and torture, with the International Criminal Court (ICC). Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary- General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, also said around $10 million is needed immediately to deliver specialist services […]

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(IRC) –  A recent nutrition survey conducted by humanitarian agencies in Cox’s Bazar, led by International Rescue Committee partner Action Contre la Faim (ACF), has revealed shocking levels of malnutrition amongst Rohingya children, only further deepening fears of an impending, and very serious, public health crisis awaiting the world’s most vulnerable group of refugees. The IRC […]

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(Handicap International) – More than 600,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since August 25 from neighboring Myanmar. Our team is on the ground, providing emergency aid to Rohingya refugees who, having escaped, now live in utter destitution. Gilles Nouziès, HI’s head of programs in Asia travelled to Bangladesh to organize activities with our teams. He explains […]

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(World Vision) – Fresh reports from Bangladesh this week should be a wake-up call to protect children from immediate harm, says World Vision as is sounds the alarm about child trafficking in refugee camps. “Child protection issues are at the centre of the refugee crisis which include child marriage and child exploitation, and human trafficking. As […]

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