(UNICEF) – In the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), UNICEF is running several projects, in partnership with local bodies, to guarantee that all children have a positive experience of growing up. One of these large-scale projects is “Capoeira for Peace”. This project is run by the NGO CAJED, which set up a […]

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(Reuters) – Eighteen people, including a provincial lawmaker, went on trial in eastern Congo on Thursday for the rapes of dozens of children, victims’ rights activists said. At least 46 children, some as young as 18 months, were raped near the village of Kavumu between 2013 and 2016, sparking an international outcry and criticism of Democratic […]

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(The National Interest) – In February, President Donald Trump identified human trafficking as a key issue of concern for U.S. domestic and foreign policies, and stated that his administration would make it a priority to stop the epidemic. Yet on September 30, President Trump waived nearly all sanctions that would prevent certain countries that use child […]

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(UN News Centre) – Deeply concerned about the abuse of children in war zones, the United Security Council today – in a debate in New York which included Secretary-General António Guterres and his special envoy on the issue – urged countries and non-State actors to allow children access to education and healthcare during and post-conflicts. The […]

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(United Nations Meetings Coverage and Press Releases) – The Security Council today reiterated its strong condemnation of the recruitment and use of children by parties to armed conflict, as well as their killing and maiming, rape and other forms of sexual violence. Issuing presidential statement S/PRST/2017/21 at its debate on children and armed conflict, the Council […]

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(MSF) – More aid is urgently needed in the rural areas of Kasai, central Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as people come out of hiding a year after conflict flared in the region, said international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) today. MSF teams have seen widespread malnutrition amongst children, with rates of 10% of […]

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(SCR) – This is Security Council Report’s (SCR) eighth research report dedicated to tracking the UN Security Council’s involvement with the issue of children and armed conflict. This report covers key developments during 2016 and through mid-October 2017. It pays particular attention to the role of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, with an […]

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