(United Nations Meetings Coverage and Press Releases) – On 9 November 2016, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo held a formal meeting with Ms. Jeanine Mabunda, the DRC Presidential Adviser on Sexual Violence and Child Recruitment. During the meeting, the Presidential Adviser of the […]

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(Child Soldiers International) – Staying in school protects girls from recruitment and other grave violations by armed groups, says Child Soldiers International in a new report published today. Research conducted by the organisation in 2016 shows that many girls who joined armed groups in eastern DRC did so because they had been forced to drop out […]

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(RFI) – Child Soldiers International is warning that girls in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo are joining armed groups because they cannot afford to go to school. Once recruited, girls are often used as wives — and sexually abused by commanders and other soldiers. Children continue to be recruited and used by numerous armed groups in […]

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