(UNICEF DRC) –  The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP), in partnership with the non-governmental organisations Mercy Corps, Diakonie and PAP RDC, completed a cash transfer operation that addresses the priority needs of 92,000 vulnerable persons affected by the armed conflicts in the Lubero and Rutshuru territories in Eastern DRC. Link

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(HRW) – The human rights climate in northern and increasingly central Mali remains precarious as a result of abuses and intimidation by Islamist armed groups, bloody intercommunal clashes, surges in violent crime and rights violations by state security forces engaged in counterterrorism operations. Slow implementation of the 2015 peace accord and the failure to disarm thousands […]

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(AllAfrica) –  A United States 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report has accused Nigeria of involving children under the age of 18 in its military operations in “hostile environments.” But the Army in a swift reaction, dismissed the report as not only baseless but designed to tarnish its hard-earned image. The report listed Nigeria among countries […]

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(UNICEF) – Thousands of children continue to be trapped in relentless violence in West Mosul’s Old City neighborhoods as the fighting heavily intensified over the past hours. Children are facing multiple threats to their lives. Those stranded in the fighting are hiding in their basements, fearful of the next onslaught. Those who try to flee, […]

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(Time) – The 14-year-old retreats into silence for days, only to lash out explosively at the slightest disturbance. “We are afraid of her sometimes,” says Fatsuma, with an uneasy glance at her daughter sitting across the room. “When she came back from Boko Haram, she was different, hard-hearted.” Fatsuma believes it was because Fatima was forced to […]

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(UN News Centre) – Citing attacks against aid workers in Syria, the removal of live-saving supplies from convoys and bureaucratic impediments restricting access, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator has called for ensuring immediate and safe humanitarian access to save lives that are dependent on assistance. Briefing the Security Council today, Stephen O’Brien, the Under-Secretary-General for […]

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(Washington Post) –  The soldiers arrived in the middle of the night, tearing through the village of Nigerian refugees, barging into stick huts where families slept in knots on the floor. For years, those refugees had been on the run from Boko Haram insurgents, finally escaping across a dried riverbed that served as the border with […]

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(Huffington Post) – Three years after Mosul first fell to the so-called Islamic State in Iraq & Syria (ISIS), the battle to retake Iraq’s second city appears to be reaching its decisive and brutal final stages. Up to 100,000 civilians, including an estimated 50,000 children, are trapped in the last enclave held by the armed group […]

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