(DW) – More than 500 boys and girls have been recruited as child soldiers, according to the World Vision international child aid organization. Hundreds of cases of sexual abuse have been reported. More then 55,000 internally displaced persons have reached Tshikapa, the biggest city in the Kasai region. DW spoke to World Vision spokesman Ekkehard Forberg about the volatile situation. […]

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(Voice of America) – They are known as the cubs of the caliphate, youngsters enlisted by the Islamic State, which views them as “the generation that will conquer Baghdad, Jerusalem, Mecca and Rome.” The West and the Middle East communities from which they have been recruited see them as a grim threat, the deadly legacy of […]

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(UN News Centre) – Some 9.2 million children living in emergency countries will miss out on schooling unless the international community contributes an additional $820 million, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned at the start of today’s G20 summit. “Without education, children grow up without the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to the […]

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(UNICEF) – The situation in eastern Ukraine remains volatile. Despite ongoing peace efforts, daily clashes and rapid escalation of hostilities prevail, as conflict continues to claim lives and generate humanitarian needs. Shelling of critical infrastructure, such as hospitals, schools, water and energy supply systems and houses is reported almost daily. Link

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(AFP) – Her feet bare and her home town in flames, Nyadet walked east alone, eating food given to her by strangers and following trails left by others escaping war in South Sudan. She is 12 years old. Nine days after she fled bloodshed in the flashpoint town of Malakal last November, Nyadet reached the country’s […]

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(SaveTheChildren) – Brutal fighting and years living under ISIS have left Mosul’s children with dangerous levels of psychological damage, new research by Save the Children shows. Experts found children are so deeply scarred by memories of extreme violence they are living in constant fear for their lives, unable to show emotions, and suffering from vivid ‘waking nightmares’. The […]

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(Amnesty International) – A new frontline in South Sudan’s conflict has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee the country’s fertile Equatoria region over the past year, creating ongoing atrocities, starvation and fear, according to a new Amnesty International briefing published today. The organization’s researchers visited the region in June, documenting how mainly government but […]

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(UN News Centre) – Access, funding and security are urgently needed to ensure humanitarians can reach hundreds of thousands of children suffering from cholera and diarrhoea across Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia and Sudan, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has said. On top of these diseases, rising rates of malnutrition in these countries “could be […]

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