(Al Monitor) – Majdal, a 14-year-old Yazidi teenager wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers, looks like an ordinary boy but does not feel like one anymore. His childhood was destroyed when the Islamic State (IS) invaded his hometown Kocho in August 2014. Like other Yazidis, Majdal was separated from his mother and siblings. He was brought to a military camp in Raqqa. […]

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(CAJ News) – Nurses and new mothers are fleeing hospitals in conflict-prone zones in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in fear of rape by armed groups. Some of these vicious groups are led by former national army officers. The move by women follows the rape of a lactating woman who had fled possible attacks in her home, fearing […]

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(UNICEF) – “As the heads of three United Nations agencies – UNICEF, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) – we have travelled together to Yemen to see for ourselves the scale of this humanitarian crisis and to step up our combined efforts to help the people of Yemen. This is the […]

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(HRW) – The Islamist armed group Al-Shabab burned numerous homes in raids on villages in Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region in late May 2017, Human Rights Watch said today based on witness accounts and satellite imagery analysis. Al-Shabab fighters abducted civilians, stole livestock, and committed arson in attacks that caused more than 15,000 people to flee their homes. […]

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(Reuters) – The United Nations named three human rights experts on Wednesday to lead an international investigation into killings and other crimes in the Kasai region of Democratic Republic of Congo, a move that could set up a showdown with the government. Congo insists that its own justice system is in charge of the inquiry with […]

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(GCPEA) – Cyprus is the 68th country to join the Safe Schools Declaration, an intergovernmental commitment to protect schools, students, and teachers from attack in armed conflict, said the Global Coalition to Protect Education form Attack (GCPEA) today. With Cyprus’ endorsement, 21 European Union countries—three-quarters of its members—have now joined the growing community of states committed to taking concrete action […]

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(The Guardian) – For the past seven months, Abu Hassan, an army medic, has treated the damaged and desperate people of the Iraqi city of Mosul as they arrived from the cauldron of war. Soldiers, women and children often trembled in fear in front of him, hours after escaping the bloody clashes, as Iraqi forces battled to wrest […]

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