(Forbes) – On December 18, 2013, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution designating July 30 as the World Day Against Human Trafficking. The resolution recognised that ‘despite sustained measures taken at the international, regional and national levels, trafficking in persons remains one of the grave challenges facing the international community, which also impairs the enjoyment of human rights […]

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(AP) – President Duterte said his threat to launch air strikes against tribal schools, because they allegedly teach subversion, would apply only when the buildings are empty, a clarification that still raised concern he was advocating a war crime. Duterte responded to a question in a news conference late Thursday that the bombings will be done at night […]

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(MAP) – Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) reported that Al Makassed Hospital was raided by Israeli security forces on Monday 17 July. According to Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem, Israeli forces raided Al Makassed Hospital again last Friday, firing stun grenades and teargas in the yard outside the hospital and using violence against the medical staff, hospital […]

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(ICRC) – Statement by Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross – I am leaving Yemen profoundly concerned for the plight of its people. The cholera outbreak remains alarming. With the rainy season approaching, we expect more than 600,000 cases by the end of the year. This is unprecedented. Link

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(AP) – Warring sides in Yemen’s civil war promised visiting U.N. agency chiefs to clear obstacles to aid delivery in a nation where cholera is spreading rapidly and hundreds of thousands of children are severely malnourished, the head of the U.N. child welfare agency said Thursday. The growing suffering of Yemen’s civilians, including millions of children, is […]

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(OCHA) – Mr President and distinguished representatives, On behalf of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Stephen O’Brien, I thank you for the opportunity to brief you on the latest humanitarian developments in Syria. I speak to you from the OCHA office in Amman, Jordan. Earlier today, I had the opportunity to visit the Azraq Refugee camp, the […]

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