(NRC) – Despite the 2016 peace agreement, Colombia is witnessing increased numbers of displacement due to ongoing intense clashes. “Colombia sailed on the hope of the peace negotiations for four years, but that boat has for many people living in conflict zones docked. We can’t ignore the problem any longer,” said Christian Visnes, Country Director for […]

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(ICRC) – The ICRC is extremely alarmed at a pattern of recent airstrikes that have killed and injured dozens of civilians in the Sa’ada and Taiz governorates in Yemen. In the latest such incident, nine members of one family were killed and three critically injured. The casualties were between 3 and 80 years old. Link

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(The Irish Times) – In the shade of a porch outside a long, low, run-down building, a group of middle-aged men sit playing cards, like they have on many afternoons over the last four years. They’re hunched over and lethargic but, despite appearances, this scene is an epicentre of a hub of activity and intelligence. These […]

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(VOA) – More than 100 children fleeing areas controlled by al-Shabab militants in central Somalia have arrived in the coastal town of Adale, seeking the government’s protection, officials said. Adale is a key trading town in the Middle Shabelle region, 220 kilometers northeast of Mogadishu. Link

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(Reuters, AFP) – As renewed infighting among Tuareg groups threatens to derail a 2015 peace agreement, the UN has found mass graves in a northern Mali town. It also found evidence of the forced disappearance of children. Link

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(United Nations in Yemen) – I am deeply concerned about reports of airstrikes on civilians in Sa’ada Governorate received from humanitarian partners on the ground. Attacks on a house in As Safra District and on a private vehicle in Razih District have reportedly resulted in the death of at least twelve civilians, including women and children […]

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(PRI) – No one seems to remember what the boy’s real name was. But his cousin, Lily Atong, remembers him well. When she talks about him, she gets a distant, wistful look in her eyes. They grew up together, here in this village in northern Uganda. The boy was chubby, she says with a smile. Link

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