(DCI-Palestine) – Imran M., a 14-year-old from the eastern part of Gaza City, spends his school days in constant fear. Imran’s school is 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) from the Gaza-Israel border, in regular proximity to Israeli forces. “We always have this feeling that something bad is about to happen to us.” For children like Imran who are […]

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(AFP) – Former rebels are holding child prisoners in their stronghold city of Kidal following clashes with a rival armed group in northern Mali, the United Nations said Thursday. Fighting between the ex-rebels of the Coordination of Movements of Azawad (CMA) and the pro-government Platform group has worsened in recent weeks in northern Mali, in repeated violation […]

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(Child Soldiers International) – The case of Linda W. the 16-year-old German schoolgirl reportedly associated with “Islamic State” (IS) and captured in Iraq in mid-July, could have far-reaching consequences for how justice systems treat children exploited by armed groups, particularly when they may have committed a crime. According to media reports, after leaving her home in the East […]

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(Equal Times) – Peter Taban is, paradoxically, privileged. The 14 year old lives with his mother and five younger siblings in a mud and straw tukul near the border with Uganda. Peter’s father was a soldier. He died in the war of independence. His mother, Teresa, spends her days gathering wood, wild fruits, going to the well for […]

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(Geneva Call) – The Iraqi conflict severely hit the Yezidi population, particularly the hundreds of women and girls who were allegdely victims of war crimes including organized rape, sexual slavery and forced marriage. Following these abuses, in 2015, a famous female Yezidi singer created an all-female armed unit—the Sun Girls Brigade. Geneva Call has recently trained […]

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(HRW) – Houthi-Saleh forces have repeatedly fired artillery indiscriminately into populated neighborhoods of Taizz, Yemen’s third largest city, in violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch said today. Over a 10-day period in May 2017, shelling of the city by the Houthi armed group and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh resulted in the […]

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(UNICEF DRC) – Since August 2016, the region of Tanganyika, covering about 500.000 km2, has been the scene of confrontations between two communities: the Twa (Pygmies) and the Luba (Bantu). Besides the political and economic devastating consequences, this intercommunity conflict has been harshly affecting children’s schooling. Furthermore, the children – boys and girls – have been […]

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(Al Jazeera) – At least 10,000 people have died in Yemen as a result of the Saudi-led coalition’s restriction on airspace and the closure of Sanaa airport a year ago, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) said citing Sanaa’s Ministry of Health. The rights group joined 14 other aid organisations that called on warring parties in Yemen to reopen […]

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