(Radio Free Asia) – Myanmar’s armed forces and some of the Southeast Asian country’s ethnic armed groups have long recruited and trafficked children to serve as soldiers, particularly in conflict-prone ethnic areas in the borderlands. Military recruiters often snatch children under the pretext that they have committed a minor or nonexistent offense and tell them that they […]

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(Reuters) – The number of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda hit one million on Thursday, the United Nations said, as hundreds of desperate families pour across the border every day seeking a haven from the civil war. The conflict in South Sudan has created Africa’s biggest refugee crisis since the 1994 Rwandan genocide, and U.N. agencies […]

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(BBC) – Mutassim is nervous. The 16-year-old has never flown in a plane before. He is looking around at the other passengers waiting at the departure gate in Athens airport. He is unsure of himself, so he mimics their actions, placing his boarding pass inside his passport, and queuing to board. Link

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(Radio Miraya) – “I plan to intensify my corporation with regional and sub-regional organisation particularly the African Union and IGAD to come up with a more regional approach to dealing with children affected by conflict.” The newly appointed Special Representative of the Secretary-General for children and armed conflict is considering a regional approach to stop violations against […]

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(ICRC) – The president of the ICRC arrived in South Sudan today to view the devastating effects that the country’s continued violence is having on the millions of residents on the brink of extreme hunger. The numbers associated with South Sudan’s violence reveal the level of brutality being carried out against civilians. Of the country’s population of […]

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(France24) – President Juan Manuel Santos declared Colombia’s 50-year conflict with FARC guerrillas finally over on Tuesday, as the last truckloads of decommissioned weapons rolled away to be melted down. Santos himself shut a padlock on the last lot of decommissioned rifles before it was taken out of a remote demobilization camp to formally seal the […]

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(NRC) – Dozens of people were killed yesterday when multiple suicide bombers detonated devises outside a camp sheltering displaced people in Borno State. Attacks on civilians sheltering in displacement sites are on the rise, worsening an already dire situation for people on the brink of famine in northeast Nigeria. Link

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