(UN News Centre) – With tens of millions of human trafficking victims worldwide, “now is the time to stand together and stamp out this abominable practice,” Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres today told a high-level meeting at which Member States adopted a political Declaration reaffirming their commitment to implement a United Nations action plan to end the scourge. “Human trafficking […]

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(Voice of America) – Al-Shabab militants have launched what appears to be a forced recruitment campaign in Somalia’s southwestern regions of Bay and Bakool, according to Somali officials. The group, which controls large parts of both regions, is pressuring leaders of local villages to make sure teenagers join its ranks, according to the governor of Bay […]

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(Human Rights Council) – The Human Rights Council during its midday meeting held an interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia and an interactive dialogue on the oral update of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Libya. The President of the […]

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(AP) – A human rights group is accusing Russia and the Syrian government of mounting the worst attack on hospitals in Syria since April. The New York-based Physicians for Human Rights says it believes either Russian or Syrian government jets were behind a string of airstrikes on three hospitals in the rebel-held Idlib province in northern […]

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(HRW) – Cameroon’s military has carried out a mass forced return of 100,000 Nigerian asylum seekers in an effort to stem the spread of Boko Haram, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The deportations defy the UN refugee agency’s plea not to return anyone to northeast Nigeria “until the security and human rights situation has […]

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(AP) – Saudi Arabia has threatened other countries over a proposed resolution at the U.N.’s main human rights body, saying if they send international, independent investigators to war-torn Yemen that could “negatively affect” trade and diplomatic ties with the wealthy kingdom, a Saudi letter obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press shows. Two competing resolutions — one […]

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