(MSF) – More aid is urgently needed in the rural areas of Kasai, central Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as people come out of hiding a year after conflict flared in the region, said international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) today. MSF teams have seen widespread malnutrition amongst children, with rates of 10% of […]

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(DNA) – The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict has reported that children are being recruited and used by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) in India, in particular, in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. The report, however, clarifies that due to the restrictions on access, the recruitment of child soldiers in India could not […]

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(Al Jazeera) – When I talked to my 13-year-old son, he told me, ‘Mama, I want to go home, I want to go home’. “This was one of the last times Mherlynda Obedencio heard her son’s voice. Eugene was captured by ISIL fighters when they launched a deadly assault on the southern Philippines city of […]

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(UN Human Rights Council) – Three United Nations human rights experts concluded their first fact finding mission in Bangladesh today “deeply disturbed” by accounts of killings, torture, rape, arson and aerial attacks reportedly perpetrated against the Rohingya community in Myanmar. More than 600,000 Rohingya, a Muslim minority in Myanmar, have fled to Bangladesh since 25 August, […]

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(Hindustan Times) – When children of her age ought to have been solving simple arithmetical problems, Sara (name changed) was learning guerrilla warfare in the dense jungles of western Jharkhand with men and women more than twice her age. Taken away forcibly from her parents in Lohardaga by then dreaded Maoist zonal head, Nakul Yadav’s guerrilla […]

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(SCR) – This is Security Council Report’s (SCR) eighth research report dedicated to tracking the UN Security Council’s involvement with the issue of children and armed conflict. This report covers key developments during 2016 and through mid-October 2017. It pays particular attention to the role of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, with an […]

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(Al-Fanar Media) – Fifteen teenagers ran after a balloon in the courtyard. Eight girls jumped rope with a white plastic cord. Other young people were running to and fro. The youths were playing on a free day at a training center of the Union of Technicians for Unemployed Young People (Union des Techniciens en Faveur des Jeunes Désoeuvrés), […]

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(Amnesty International) – Since the end of August 2017, the Rohingya population in northern Rakhine State has been subjected to systematic, organized and ruthless attacks. The Myanmar Army, often working with the Border Guard Police and local vigilantes, has killed hundreds of women, men and children, raped women and girls, and burned entire Rohingya villages to […]

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