(The Atlantic) – More than six years of conflict in Syria have reduced much of the countryside and area surrounding Damascus to rubble, damaging or destroying nearly everything that might hold a community or society together. Yet thousands of families still live in these besieged towns and villages, or in nearby camps for the internally displaced—and […]

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(IRIN) – As Patrick Ndong was getting ready to leave home for his poultry farm in the Cameroonian commune of Akwaya, a group of soldiers stormed into his compound and began shooting in the air. Ndong took to his heels, but as he did so he could see soldiers dragging young boys from the village into […]

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(Handicap International) – More than 600,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since August 25 from neighboring Myanmar. Our team is on the ground, providing emergency aid to Rohingya refugees who, having escaped, now live in utter destitution. Gilles Nouziès, HI’s head of programs in Asia travelled to Bangladesh to organize activities with our teams. He explains […]

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(Radio Dabanga) – The father of one of the injured children said that one of them found the grenade and picked it up. The children began to play with it when it went off. He said the children sustained various injuries, some of them were serious, and were taken to Nyala hospital. Link

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(IRIN) – Aid agencies are ringing loud alarm bells after the Saudi Arabia-led coalition closed Yemen’s land borders, sea ports, and airspace, warning of the extreme dangers of cutting off access and assistance to a country already on the verge of famine. The UN’s top relief official Mark Lowcock told reporters on Wednesday that if the new restrictions – […]

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(UNICEF) – “Yesterday, Mark Lowcock, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, called on all parties to the conflict to provide safe, rapid, unhindered humanitarian access to people in need, through all ports and airports, including Hudaydah port and Sana’a airport. “The recent closure of all ports and airports is making an already catastrophic […]

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(MHUB) – The increase in the numbers of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers traveling in mixed migratory movements constitutes a major political and humanitarian challenge. North Africa is affected by such movements as a region of origin, transit and destination for those who have left their homes fleeing war, conflict, discrimination, and those seeking to improve […]

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(Al Arabiya) – Children are the most vulnerable members of society and international institutions have taken many measures to enhance their security and welfare. In fact, November 20 is being celebrated as the United Nations’ Universal Children’s Day. However, Iranian regime is one of the most heinous violators of children’s rights. Since the time it seized power […]

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