(Middle East Eye) – Teacher Khasem Abdali stands in front of a group of Iraqis, leading a self-improvement class in downtown Fallujah. “Why did Daesh kill barbers, musicians and singers?” he asks, refering to Islamic State. “Because Daesh’s version of Islam means killing, hatred and scorn for others, but our true Islam calls for peace, […]

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(The Globe Post) – As Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that it would begin reopening ports and allowing flights to land in Yemen, aid agencies working in the country warned that millions of lives are at risk from the blockade. The Saudi mission to the United Nations said on Sunday that the coalition fighting Houthi rebels […]

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(The New York Times) – The quality of mercy is strained in the Middle East. Last week, Saudi Arabia closed off the highways, sea routes and airports in war-torn Yemen, forbidding humanitarian groups from even shipping chlorine tablets for the Yemenis suffering from a cholera epidemic. More than 500,000 Yemenis have been infected with cholera this year and […]

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(The Guardian) – Last June, in the intense heat of a Ukrainian summer, four of Ludmila Brozhyk’s neighbours were sitting chatting in the sunshine. The children had stayed indoors, in the relative cool, to watch cartoons. When the mortar bomb dropped it came out of a clear blue sky. Link

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(The Guardian) – Forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad in Syria have committed crimes against humanity through their “starve or surrender” strategy and sieges that have devastated areas controlled by the opposition, a report by human rights watchdog Amnesty International has concluded. The report, to be released on Monday, examines four “reconciliation” deals between the Assad regime and the […]

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(Reuters) –  A senior United Nations official said on Sunday she would raise the issue of persecution of Myanmar’s Rohingya minority, especially sexual violence and torture, with the International Criminal Court (ICC). Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary- General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, also said around $10 million is needed immediately to deliver specialist services […]

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