(HRW) – Burmese security forces have committed widespread rape against women and girls as part of a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Rohingya Muslims in Burma’s Rakhine State, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 37-page report, “‘All of My Body Was Pain’: Sexual Violence Against Rohingya Women and Girls in Burma,” […]

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(UNAMA) – The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns today’s attack in Kabul’s Aspa Square that killed at least nine civilians, including one child, and injured at least 16 others. Preliminary findings indicate that in the Labe Jar Area of Aspa Square, a suicide attacker detonated a body-borne improvised explosive device where a large […]

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(Save the Children) – Chilling experiences of Rohingya children who fled their homes in Myanmar have been laid bare in a powerful new report released by Save the Children today. “Horrors I Will Never Forget” paints a disturbing picture of the systematic violence, rape and forced evictions faced by many of the 600,000 Rohingya who […]

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(IFRC) – The cheers of children rise from a tiny mango grove where a badminton match is underway between two trees. Along with other “pop-up” play activities offered by members of the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and IFRC partners, the games are giving children psychosocial support in this patchwork landscape of bamboo shelters where more […]

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(Reuters) – The heads of three U.N. agencies urged the Saudi-led military coalition on Thursday to lift its blockade of Yemen, warning that “untold thousands” would die if it stayed in place. The coalition closed all air, land and sea access to Yemen on Nov. 6 following the interception of a missile fired towards the […]

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(The Huffington Post) – The unspeakable atrocities that are happening in South Sudan are unfathomable, not only because of the scope of savagery in the war between the Dinka and Nuer peoples, but also because it defies every tenet of our civilized being in which we take so much pride. Civilization, however, has hardly penetrated […]

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(The Hill) – A new inspector general report released Thursday found that while the Pentagon did not have formal guidance discouraging the reporting of child sex abuse in Afghanistan, several troops say they were still informally told to ignore it. “Following a review of DoD Instructions, Command Policy and Service guidance, we did not identify any […]

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