(HRW) – From girls in rural Afghanistan, to children in immigration detention on the US-Mexico border, to grandmothers fleeing war in Sri Lanka, throughout my career working on children’s rights, I’ve heard firsthand the importance that education has for families and their children, even in the midst of the most desperate circumstances. These families expect […]

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(AFP) – A US mother held hostage by Taliban-linked militants for five years has detailed the violence and sexual assault she endured in captivity, and said her young son was also beaten. “This was an intolerable situation for a child to be in,” Caitlan Coleman Boyle, 31, told ABC News in a television interview broadcast Monday. […]

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(Al Jazeera) – As many as a million children have been orphaned by the war in Syria which is in its sixth year. The UN has warned against the dangers facing children without parents such as lack of education, trafficking and being indoctrinated by armed groups. Link

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(European Commission) – Ahead of the Universal Children’s Day on 20 November, Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Christos Stylianides, […]

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(Philippine Daily Inquirer) – The military on Friday said it was committed to uphold international humanitarian law and respect for human rights and would investigate allegations that troops tortured and mistreated civilians during the five-month siege of Marawi City. Armed Forces of the Philippines spokesperson Maj. Gen. Restituto Padilla was reacting to an Amnesty International report […]

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(AP) – At least five children and two rescue workers were killed Friday in a Damascus suburb during a government bombing campaign amid escalating violence in and around the capital despite a truce, activists reported. State media said that rebels shelled government-controlled neighborhoods of Damascus, killing at least three civilians. Link

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(Vice News) – Eight-year-old Sara is sitting on the floor next to her mother when she spreads her arms out and reenacts the moment a Saudi-coalition airstrike, using an American-made bomb, left her pinned under the rubble of her family’s home here in the Yemen capital. On August 25, the Muthanya family of six awoke […]

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(AP) – Amnesty International said Friday it has documented violations of humanitarian law, some amounting to war crimes, during the five-month conflict between Philippine government troops and Islamic State-allied militants who laid siege to the southern city of Marawi. The human rights group said the militants committed unlawful killings, hostage-taking, pillage and mistreatment of prisoners. […]

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