(NRC) – Giæver has just visited Kutupalong, the world’s most densely populated refugee camp in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar. The camp houses more than 600,000 refugees from Myanmar, the majority of whom fled to Cox’s Bazar after violence escalated in Myanmar’s Rakhine State in August. Along with the refugees who fled from Myanmar before August, the total […]

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(The Guardian) – Last year I agreed to undertake a fact-finding mission for the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, on sexual violence against men and boys in the Syrian crisis. We knew that many women and girls were being targeted for rape and other sexualised violence, but we didn’t know much about what was happening to men and boys. […]

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(HRW) – When US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson excluded Iraq, Burma, and Afghanistan from the State Department’s list of countries using child soldiers earlier this year, my colleagues and I at Human Rights Watch were angry. It turns out we weren’t the only ones. Today, Reuters reported a rare “dissent memo” from State Department officials, […]

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(The Huffington Post) – Throughout the ages, children have been used and abused in many ways – from cheap labour to enslavement, maiming, torture, rape and murder. Although slow to come, international pressure built momentum over time leading to ground-breaking commitments such as the decision, 28 years ago today, to adopt the Convention on the Rights of […]

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(UNICEF) – The death toll continues to climb in Yemen, as scores of children are lost to starvation or disease with each passing day. And now a recent decision by the Saudi-led military coalition to close all borders in response to a rebel missile strike threatens to stall critical relief operations. UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake, […]

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(UNICEF) – Despite global progress, 1 in 12 children worldwide live in countries where their prospects today are worse than those of their parents, according to a UNICEF analysis conducted for World Children’s Day. According to the analysis, 180 million children live in 37 countries where they are more likely to live in extreme poverty, be […]

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(The Panzi Foundation) -Every day we work to strengthen the programs and resources for our colleagues on the frontline in eastern Congo. Panzi Hospital and Maison Dorcas are the epicenter for medical and holistic healing, education and vocational training, legal assistance and community reintegration in Bukavu. Despite the ongoing political crisis and instability, our colleagues […]

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(Stanford Medicine) – Whether responding to humanitarian emergencies, advocating for quality education, intervening when children are most vulnerable — in war, natural disasters or extreme poverty — Save the Children receives worldwide recognition as one of the chief protectors and defenders of children in crisis. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the organization’s international chief executive officer, is no stranger to diplomacy, advocacy […]

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