(Thomas Reuters Foundation) – More than 15,000 women and girls suffered sexual violence, including rape, during Colombia’s civil war, with half of crimes involving children, a report said on Friday. It also revealed details of the use of forced prostitution during the war with bar owners turning women and girls into sex slaves for right-wing paramilitary […]

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(SRSG CAAC) – The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Virginia Gamba, welcomes the transfer of 50 children detained on national security related charges from the maximum-security adult Detention Facility in Parwan (DFiP) to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Center of Kabul province. The transfer, which took place on 7 November, is a […]

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(British Red Cross) – On a warm afternoon on a backstreet in the city of Maiduguri, a teenage boy hunches over, polishing a pair of leather shoes. The owner of the shoes seems oblivious to the boy’s toils, instead concentrating on the bright three-wheeled keke-marwas that buzz in and out of the queues of cars. […]

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(AFP) – Iraqi officials said they found another mass grave in the northern Sinjar region on Wednesday containing the bodies of dozens of members of the Yazidi minority killed by the Islamic State group. “The mass grave contains the bodies of 73 people, men, women and children executed by the Islamic State group when they controlled […]

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(SRSG CAAC) – The implementation of the child protection measures included in the Colombian Peace Agreement between the Government and the FARC-EP is encouraging and lessons can be drawn from that process said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Virginia Gamba, following a two-day visit in Colombia where […]

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(MSF) – Following a violent armed robbery in the night of Monday 20 November that threatened the lives of its workers, the international humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has evacuated all its 58 national and international staff from Bangassou, a town in the southeastern area of the country that is largely under control of various […]

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(News Deeply) –  The desperate state of Syria’s Eastern Ghouta region made international headlines in late October when local activists released the photo of an infant girl who had starved to death. While her case received significant attention, severe malnutrition and a lack of medical supplies have killed a number of other children in the besieged suburbs outside the […]

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