(MSF) – “When we started working here, it was chaos. It was really shocking to see inside the hospital. It was utterly destroyed. Everything was very dirty and burnt objects could be seen in the corridors and in the patients’ rooms. Mosul has gone through an excruciating and painful process to reach the point where […]

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(VOA) – L’ONG britannique a, avec d’autres ONG congolaises, interviewé plus de 150 jeunes filles sorties des groupes armés dans cette région de la RDC où, selon l’Unicef, plus de 70 groupes armés restent actifs et continuent à recruter des enfants. La plupart de filles interviewées ont fait part des difficultés qu’elles rencontrent après le retour dans […]

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(UNAMA) – The critical importance of protecting the rights and well-being of children in armed conflict was brought to life during two UN-backed theatre performances by the Kandahar Theatre and Film Group in the Afghanistan’s southern region last week. Facilitated by the Kandahar regional office of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and performed in […]

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(The Globe and Mail) – On the day her life changed forever, four South Sudanese government soldiers at a checkpoint gave Mary a choice: Have sex with us or we will kill you. It was July, 2016, during the violent and chaotic days around the fifth anniversary of the independence of South Sudan. “We told them, ‘You […]

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(HRW) – “There were two bombs in the school,” said 16-year-old Malalai, describing an attack in January 2016 against her girls’ school in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province. She said the Taliban had left a letter in the schoolyard: “They said they put the bombs because you have to stop sending your girls to school.” Acid attacks. Kidnapping. […]

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(Save the Children) – Imagine, you’re six years-old. At school, you are learning to write more than just your name. You may be slightly obsessed with dinosaurs, or unicorns. You climb trees with your friends and siblings. When you get home, you may watch cartoons, daydream about sweets and toys. You may be scared of monsters, […]

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(Theirnews) – In the struggle to get Afghan girls into school, changing deeply-held beliefs is one of the major challenges. Two-thirds of girls aren’t getting an education, according to a Human Rights Watch report.  Now an annual survey of attitudes has revealed that support for equal access to education has actually fallen since 2006. Link

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