(Al Jazeera) – A 16-year-old Palestinian boy, shown in a photo that has been roundly condemned as symbolising the Israeli army’s use of excessive force, has been accused of throwing stones at a group of armed Israeli soldiers. An image of Fawzi al-Junaidi, blindfolded and surrounded by more than 20 Israeli occupation forces, was widely denounced as it was […]

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(IRIN) – Soldiers burst into his family’s compound one evening in late May. He watched as they gouged a large hole into his backyard. “My family and I were so terrified, thinking they would massacre us and bury us in the hole,” Ampaso said. His home was overrun. Outside, his city was under siege: a few […]

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(Reuters) – There are no signs that a blockade of Yemen’s ports by a Saudi-led military coalition has eased to allow aid to reach communities increasingly at risk of starvation, the head of the U.S. government’s aid agency said on Tuesday. USAID administrator Mark Green called on the Saudi-led military coalition to open Yemen’s ports and […]

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(The Nation) – Israel is a powerful nation with the most advanced and capable military in the Middle East. It is the single greatest beneficiary of American military assistance, receiving $3.8 billion, some 25 percent of its defense budget, from American taxpayers each year. The security of Israel is obviously important to the United States, […]

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(The Washington Post) – It was months before Faisal Ahmed Dar finally stepped back on the cricket field. He had been his team’s top batter. But Faisal, 16, was recovering from a pellet wound that robbed him of 93 percent of sight in his left eye. As he healed, playing was out of the question. Link

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(UN Women) – Sexual violence against women and girls in conflict-affected countries[1] is being used as a tactic of war, with devastating consequences for women across the globe. This form of violence is the weapon of choice for armed actors looking to destabilize societies, given its ability to traumatize individuals, generate stigmatization, and fragment family and […]

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(NRC) – Mariam* rarely leaves her house, and never ventures out alone. Her fear of going out without the company of her parents or older brothers has forced her to quick school. Mariam lives in a crowded neighbourhood in the Al Badawi area of Tripoli. She and her family fled to Lebanon in 2012 to escape […]

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(UNICEF) – Continuing violence across East Ghouta, some 10km outside the Syrian capital, Damascus, has reportedly led to the closure of most schools in the area over the past month and stranded scores of children in need of medical evacuation. One hundred and thirty-seven children, aged 7-months to 17-years require immediate medical evacuation for conditions ranging […]

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