(UN News Centre) – As the conflict in Yemen passes the grim 1,000-day milestone, the United Nations is warning that if humanitarian workers cannot gain greater access and the violence does not subside, the cost in lives will be incalculable. “As violence has escalated in recent days, children and families are yet again being killed in attacks […]

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(BBC) – Simon Murphy has documented human rights abuses in countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Colombia. But nothing prepared him for a trip to Bangladesh with the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF). The charity has so far helped more than 40,000 families who have fled Myanmar. But Simon, from […]

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(PBS) – As the war in Syria raged on over the past six years, hospitals and clinics that were supposed to be treated as “neutral parties” became targets that were repeatedly bombed. Hari Sreenivasan discusses the bloody impact of this tactic with Stephen Morrison, director of the new documentary, “The New Barbarianism,” and Dr. Ahmad […]

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(The Washington Post) – Three months ago, these two Rohingya brothers had a loving family, a little house near a river, a worn soccer ball to play with and 15 cows for fresh milk. It’s all gone now: The family killed. The house torched. The cows stolen. Link

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(The New York Times) – In wars around the globe, thousands of children were front-line targets, used as human shields and recruited to fight this year on “a shocking scale,” Unicef said on Thursday. The United Nations agency warned against normalizing the brutality, a sentiment it has echoed in reports year after year. Link

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(Middle East Eye) – An Israeli military court released on bail a 16-year-old Palestinian on Wednesday after 20 days’ detention in prison. Ofra military court released Fawzi Al-Junaidi on bail on the condition that he will appear in the military court on 7 January. Junaidi’s family were ordered to pay 10,000 Israeli shekels (almost $2,860). Link

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(UN News Centre) – The scale of attack on children in conflict zones throughout 2017 is “shocking” said the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), calling on all parties to conflict to abide by their obligations under international law and immediately end violations and attacks against children.“Children are being targeted and exposed to attacks and brutal violence […]

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