(The Star) – Afghanistan has adopted new rules meant to better protect children from violence in the troubled country — including abuse by its own security forces. Tariq Shah Bahrami, the country’s minister of defence, signed the Child Protection Policy into force in early December, a move one child advocate hailed as “highly significant.” Link

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(CARE) – The people of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are facing an uncertain 2018. The humanitarian situation deteriorated dramatically in 2017, and the country is now facing a crisis of massive proportions, says CARE International. Across the country, more than 8.5 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, a figure that’s expected […]

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(The Guardian) – A stark warning from the UN in mid-December that genocide may be taking place in Myanmar has been met by an awkward silence around the world, indicating a limited appetite for forceful humanitarian intervention, even in the most extreme cases. The persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority is beginning to resemble the plight […]

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(AFP) – A brutal rebellion by the Lord’s Resistance Army brought years of suffering to northern Uganda. Tens of thousands of children were abducted, their childhoods lost and communities broken. Now that the fighting is over, a group of former child soldiers is helping some heal through music therapy. Link

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(Vice Impact) – On Saturday, October 14, 2017, a large truck filled with 350 kg of homemade and military-grade explosives drove into the Hodan District of Mogadishu and detonated at a busy crossroad near the Safari Hotel. A fuel tanker parked nearby caused a massive fireball. 512 people lost their lives and 316 were injured. The organization […]

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(The New York Times) – Jehora Begum was a fast runner, racing through rice paddies and splashing through canals. But how can a 12-year-old girl outrun a bullet? When Myanmar’s military and Buddhist vigilantes descended on Rohingya Muslim villages in late August, burning homes and spraying gunfire, 14 members of Jehora’s family — including her mother, her father […]

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