(Al Jazeera) – Over plastic sheets and woven straw mats on the ground, dozens of children sit clustered together in groups, chatting animatedly. A group of them is hunched over carrom boards. Others are rolling dices counting their turns over games such as Snakes and Ladders or Ludo. The younger ones are playing with marbles, expertly flicking the […]

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(VOA News) – When Rebecca Gadzama meets with the teachers she oversees, they sometimes hold the meeting outdoors, under trees in open fields. It gives them a chance to spot danger and run in case of an attack. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram is still an ever-present danger in northeastern Nigeria and is still against […]

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(CNN) – On a dirt path dotted with bright-red bougainvillea, women in ankle-length dresses gather in groups of five or more before venturing into the forest. Right outside the largest refugee camp in Juba, South Sudan’s capital, sickles readied in their hands to cut firewood, the women say banding together offers a tiny sense of security, […]

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(Al Jazeera) – At least 55 people, including women and children, have been killed in Yemen‘s Red Sea port city of Hodeidah in air raids carried out by a Saudi and UAE alliance battling Houthi rebels,  the rebel-run health ministry said. In a statement issued late on Thursday, the ministry said the attacks, which targeted the city’s Public al-Thawra Hospital and a busy fishing port, wounded […]

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(Norwegian Refugee Council) – A new Ebola outbreak in the conflict zone North Kivu, that already suffers from mass displacement, is a toxic cocktail that will exacerbate the virus and have fatal consequences. “This week’s declaration of a new Ebola outbreak in North Kivu couldn’t have hit at a worse time or place,” warned Dr. […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – The People’s Protection Units (YPG), the largest member of the Syrian Democratic Forces military alliance in northeast Syria, has been recruiting children, including girls, and using some in hostilities despite pledges to stop the practice, Human Rights Watch said today. Recent data from the United Nations showed a disturbingly high increase in […]

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(Human Rights Watch) – Alleged militants attacked and burned down at least 12 schools in Diamer district of Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan region early on August 3, 2018, Human Rights Watch said today. At least half were girls’ schools. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. The Pakistani government should take urgent measures to make schools safer, and fairly […]

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(Amnesty International) – Turkish forces are giving Syrian armed groups free rein to commit serious human rights abuses against civilians in the northern city of Afrin, Amnesty International said today, following an in-depth investigation into life under the Turkish military occupation. Research released today reveals that residents in Afrin are enduring a wide range of violations, […]

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